Composition - Chronicles of an Allotment
At the twenty-third day of the eighth month of the first year that we, Elbert & Annewieke, became residents of Stoke-on-Trent: at the 27th of June 2004, an allotment was allocated to Jonathan & Monika Roberts and us, situated at Campbell Road, Stoke-on-Trent. It was allocated to us to work it and take care of it. Now the allotment was formless and empty. It was full of weed.
And we entered into the allotment and observed the awaiting labour.
And we said to one another: let us make an expanse between weed and crop. And we saw that the raspberry bushes were very good.
On that day we arose and set forth to the allotment, and made an expanse between the weed and the raspberry bushes.
And while we made an expanse between weed and crop, behold, we experienced what is written in the book of Genesis, in the third chapter:
"...Cursed is the ground because of you. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food...".
As for the other events of the life of Elbert & Annewieke, and all they did, behold, it is written on their blog Engelandvaarders. As for the other events of the life of Monika, behold, it is written on her blog, Monalisahus. As for the other events and the account of the history of the allotment, observe, will it not be written here, on this blog? As for the Dutch, an account is given in their own language at De Compositie.
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